Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Product Review: Chip Peddler Chips

I got in contact with a company called Chip Peddler out of Durango, Colorado. I was intrigued by these chips because they are organic and the guy who sells the potato chips is also growing the potatoes. I have learned a lot about organic food since I started at culinary school. What really interests me about organic food is the flavor difference. In some produce, its obvious. A tomato doesn't taste like a tomato anymore because it is grown with chemical based fertilizer, sprayed with chemical pesticides, picked green and then ripened with ethylene gas so it looks red on your burger. When you try an organic tomato, it tastes better. usually sweeter, more flavorful, better texture. I wanted to see, will organic potato and corn chips taste any different than what Frito Lay is pumping out? Here's what I found.

 Ok, organic chips taste better, fact. These were the best sea salt and vinegar chips I have ever had. The vinegar was pretty subtle, a nice alternative to the mouth puckering mass produced stuff. They were also thicker and crunchier than most other brands. I was a big fan of these.

I don't usually pay attention to this kind of stuff, but how cool is the art on the bag, right?It just made me like this guy's products even more. Usually, I hate Lime flavored tortilla chips. Tostito's with lime is the worst offender for me. That stuff tastes like its made in a chemical plant. These were really nice though. The lime tasted like real lime and the chips tasted like the freshly fried chips on the table at a Mexican restaurant. The bag was empty in about 2 minutes. 

 Sea Salt and Vinegar

 So maybe it's not the perfect potato, but it's a natural potato, defects and all.

 Lime Tortilla chips

Not only were the chips great, but the chip peddler himself was a really nice guy. We talked a little bit through email and he is a cool dude. Check out his life of cycling and making organic chips while giving back to the world. 

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